
Widok na tereny uprawne z ułożonymi w regularne rzędy roślinami i wodnymi zbiornikami otoczonymi bujną zielenią.


How to effectively use the potential of industrial screens?


Whatever the screen, such a process.

How and what we eat depends on what we grow and breed. The development of intensive farming and the growing degree of mechanisation have one goal. Performance increase. The pursuit of healthy nutrition trends is particularly dynamically stimulated by the development of the aquaculture sector. The constant improvement of cultivation and breeding technologies requires increasingly precise tools and devices. Including precision and durable industrial screens used in the sieving, filtration and separation of liquids and solids.


Are you looking for a reliable screen manufacturer?

We are at your disposal. PROGRESS SCREENS® is a proven and recognised manufacturer of industrial screens. An experienced team of our designers and engineers, as well as manufacturing capabilities, ensure the delivery of optimal solutions in the shortest possible time. The Pro-SLOT® wedge wire screen in the form of screen decks, sieve bends, wedge wire baskets for centrifuges and OSO dewatering screens solutions are ideally suited to the fine-mining processes. Just as woven, polyurethane and rubber screens meet the highest expectations in terms of quality, tolerance and durability.

Use the potential of PROGRESS SCREENS® screens and our experience in the processing of hard coal, lignite, copper, iron ore, zinc, lead, potassium, uranium and salt.





Vibrating screens

Sieve bend

Drum screener

Filtration columns

Wedge wire baskets

Screw presses