About us

Obraz przedstawia spawacza w hełmie ochronnym, pracującego w okrągłym otworze, z jasnym światłem spawania w dłoni, na tle metalowych, falistych powierzchni.


Widok z lotu ptaka na kompleks budynków przemysłowych otoczonych zielenią, w tle pola i linia kolejowa.

We specialise in the design and manufacture of industrial screens.

Since 1988, our solutions have been improving the technological processes of customers from many industries around the world, helping them to achieve optimal product parameters. We specialise in the design and manufacture of industrial screens, cartridges and filter elements, baskets for centrifuges and parts of machines and devices with their use.

Progress can be counted on


manufacturing plants in Poland

30 years

of experience in screens manufacturing

16 000 m2

of manufacturing area

100 000

‘tailor-made’ product solutions

Obraz przedstawia wnętrze zakładu produkcyjnego, w którym znajdują się maszyny do obróbki metalu. W lewym górnym rogu widać błyszczący, metalowy arkusz, a obok niego widoczne są żółte formy o wyprofilowanej powierzchni. W tle widać maszyny oraz dużą przestrzeń, dobrze oświetloną naturalnym światłem.

Our competences are confirmed by the implementation of over 100,000 ‘tailor-made’ product solutions.

Manufacturing of screens in all available technologies ensures our independence in creating optimal solutions for your process. We offer wedge wire screens in flat and round, braided and woven wire meshes  and plastic screens such as rubber and polyurethane.



Solutions for the classification, enrichment and dewatering of coal, aggregates, mineral raw materials, bulk materials, metallurgy, coke making and recycling.


Solutions for processing procedures in the OEM machine industry, chemical, petrochemical, food industry and environmental protection (water, wastewater).


A system and design solution based on architectural steel meshes and grilles for the construction industry, interior finishing and OEM.

Mężczyzna w niebieskiej czapce i ochronnych okularach, trzymający narzędzie, pracuje w magazynie z metalowymi rurami.

We deliver solutions to clients in over 60 countries around the world.

We deliver our screens throughout Europe, Asia, Australia and North and South America. The group of regular customers include both global corporations as well as smaller enterprises from virtually all industries. We are perfectly suited to mass production and ambitious project orders. A strong position on the European market means that the demand for our products is steadily increasing. That is why we systematically develop the distribution network while simultaneously implementing export sales directly from Poland.

Progress Team & Management

We are a team of over 270 qualified specialists. Well-integrated and ready for challenges.

We are a family engineering company. The strength of our team is commitment and consistency in achieving goals and overcoming challenges. We systematically develop competences at every level of the organisation. We are proud that our team consists of successive generations of employees.

dr inż. Przemysław Chmielowiec


Przemysław Chmielowiec has accumulated over 18 years of experience in the steel industry, holding key management positions in multinational corporations. He graduated from the Częstochowa University of Technology, earning a PhD in Material Fracture and Failure Mechanics. Additionally, he honed his managerial skills through the Harvard Business Management Development Program at the ICAN Institute.

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From March 2022 to June 2024, he served as the Site Director at WireCo WorldGroup, overseeing all company processes. Prior to this, from 2019 to 2022, he served as the Chief Operating Officer of this company, successfully enhancing production, quality, and procurement processes. Between 2010 and 2014, he assumed the role of Head of Heat Treatment and Special Processes at Pratt & Whitney, where he supervised essential manufacturing processes in accordance with international aerospace standards. Furthermore, he was honored with the Bronze Cross of Merit by the President of the Republic of Poland for his contributions to the state and its citizens. With his extensive technical knowledge and diverse management experience, he is well-equipped to effectively lead teams and attain the company’s strategic objectives.

Tomasz Oszczepalski

Vice President of the Board / Sales Director

Graduated from the Cracow University of Economics. For 20 years, he has been holding the position of chief accountant, chief financial officer, chairman of the Board of Progress Carbon Ltd, as well as members of the supervisory board of the ŚARR, and vice-President of the Council The supervisory board of PT Łysogóry Ltd. Directly involved in many investment projects in different markets. Originator and co-creator of many covered by patents and utility patterns products and technical solutions.

Piotr Pasiowiec Ph. D. Eng.

Vice President of the Board / Sales Director

He has been associated with the Progress Industrial Group since 1995. A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Kielce University of Technology. In 1998 he became a member of the Progress Carbon Management Board. In 2009 he obtained a PhD from the Faculty of Mining and Geology at the VSB Technical University in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Author and co-author of over 30 scientific articles presented at industry congresses in Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, Iran and Turkey. Member of the Association of Mining Engineers and Technicians and the Polish Society for Mining Processing.

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Mężczyzna w białej koszuli trzyma w dłoniach kulę ziemską, w tle widoczne jest odwrócone logo z cyfrą 60.

By increasing the efficiency of mechanical technological processes, together we contribute to better use of natural resources of the Earth.

Progress determines our thinking and acting from the very beginning. In cooperation, we focus on a flexible partnership and individual approach. This way, together we overcome challenges and develop. We take responsibility for the environment and people around us. We systematically reduce energy consumption and optimise waste.

Social responsibility of business

Supporting cultural and artistic events and social initiatives as well as sports sponsorship allow us to achieve more than our own business goals. Employer’s awards of the year confirm our commitment to the development of our employees and care for working conditions. We operate in accordance with applicable law and international standards of conduct.


Certified since 1996 by Lloyd’s Registered Quality Assurance (LRQA) Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 includes Design and manufacture of wedge wire, welded, braided, TL, harp, woven, polyurethane, rubber, perforated screens, products and devices based on screens for industry and architectural meshes, grilles and systems with their application for the construction industry. Designing, manufacturing and sale of machinery and equipment for mining. Repairs of industrial centrifuges.

Company history

Get to know our way from the production of simple woven wire screens, through advanced technology based on slotted screens, to the launching of our own Research and Development Centre.


Beginning of manufacture of industrial screens under the Progress brand and establishment of one of the first joint stock companies in the region – Progress S.A.


Establishment of a Polish-Canadian Joint Venture Progress International company and signing of a cooperation agreement with the Belgian company Gondrexon.


Co-founding by President Józef Sawicz Świętokrzyska Regional Development Agency S.A. which leads to the creation of the Kielce Trade Fairs exhibition centre


Launch of the first production line for the manufacturing of Pro-SLOT® wedge wire screens, flat welded.


OSO 3200 basket screen wins the gold medal at the Poznań Trade Fair


Purchase of braided and woven screens in Furmanow.


Obtaining the certificate of the Quality Management System ISO 9001 by Lloyd’s Register (the first in the region).


Purchase of the Production Plant in Dobrow, in the Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone, current headquarters of Progress Eco


Purchase of production plants in Kielce and Wierzbica as well as the launching of technological lines for the manufacturing of filtration cartridges.


Export development and establishment of Progress Moravia – first foreign trading company based in the Czech Republic (Ostrava Poruba)


Launching of the production of vibrating machinery for processing and enriching of mineral resources.


Launching of a production line for manufacturing of Pro-SLOT® wedge wire screens, welded on a round.


Granting by the Polish Academy of Sciences of a high CBNNB assessment in the field of market, process as well as patents innovation


Launching of an own material laboratory in Dobrow


Launching of a screens and polyurethane products manufacturing plant in the French Baulé technology.


Launching of a technological line for the manufacturing of steel architectural meshes (4-metre loom).


Founding of Progress Siebe GmbH in Germany with its registered office in Dusseldorf and further development of export on the German, Austrian and Swiss markets.


Establishment of Progress Siebe GmbH – a daughter company in Germany with headquarters in Dusseldorf and further development of export for the German, Austrian and Swiss markets


Construction of a new production hall and material warehouse. Launching of the technological line for the precise welding of 6-12Sb profiles.


Development of applications for the energy industry (oil and gas extraction, uranium enrichment, petrochemical and refining) in Russia and the Near and Far East.


Implementation of system solutions in ScreenDeco® and AstroWave® product lines and Pro-ZINAL® material for the architectural and construction industry.


Establishment of own Research and Development Centre dealing with the implementation and improvement of products and manufacturing technology


30 years of Progress Eco